Liqueurs & Speciality drinks

Pernod Aniseed Liqueur 70cl

Southern Comfort 1.5L

White Heron British Cassis Blackcurrant Liqueur 50CL

Archers Peach Schnapps 1.5L
We have painstakingly compiled an extensive selection of specialty Liqueurs, including a huge selection of vodka, rum, herbal liquor, Sambuca, and more. If you are looking for a flavoured vodka online or premium vodka online, you will find it right here.
We also offer liqueurs and schnapps; the two favored spirits that are important to cocktail culture. Some of the most flavours include orange, coffee, and almond. You will also find herbal liqueurs that have a focus on herbal notes. Sambuca is another specialty, which has an anise flavour and is popular in parties. Whether you plan to drink it straight up, or mix them into a cocktail, the choice is yours. But it's time you experimented with schnapps, flavoured vodka, and liqueurs. Celebrate special occasions with our extensive selection of beverages – the perfect present for adding cheer to Christmas, birthdays, and any festive gathering!
Browse our extensive selection this Valentine's Day, and get your favorite bottle right at your doorstep.